The Rationale for Exports

An export promotion agency helps firms with exporting opportunities and increasing trade on a worldwide level. Understanding export promotion and best practices for economic officials will help promote the activity in the region.

Exports provide numerous benefits to regional economies. The following two documents outline the benefits:

  1. ExporTech program content:  Importance of Exporting for Companies
  2. Brookings: “Export Fast Facts” – shown below – from “Export Market Assessment Guide

More Information:

Brookings “Export Monitor 2018” was a primary data source for GCI metros. This web-based data source is described by Brookings as: “A data series that estimates production of goods and services exports by industry at the sub-national level.”

International Trade Administration — Trade Statistics:  The Office of Trade Policy & Analysis (TP&A) [an office of Industry & Analysis within ITA] publishes a variety of data series and reports for both public and government use. Start here for a list of their data and reports. Click here to see TP&A’s export-related jobs data.

International Trade Administration —  The U.S. Department of Commerce’s ITA collaborates with 19 U.S. Government agencies to bring to help navigate the maze of government offices and get answers to questions, provide a single source for tools, assistance, and expert knowledge to expand international sales. Link to national, metro, and state trade data; data on U.S. exporting companies; and FTA Tariff tool. 

Stone & Associates Report — “On the Threshold: Refocusing U.S. Export Assistance Strategy for Manufacturers,” June 2013. Written for the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership.