Connecting Companies to Federal and State Export Assistance

One of the most valuable roles of a regional EDO is to connect companies with existing federal and state export promotion services. In order to connect regional companies to available resources, regional EDOs must develop a solid understanding of the federal and state export assistance programs that are available in their region.

This section is intended to help a regional EDO understand what is available (or might be available) in their regions and provides links to additional information.

Potential Activities

  • Connecting or referring companies to existing federal and state programs
  • Joint outreach and company visits with federal and state export organizations


Examples included in Resources Section below



Typical federal and state export assistance services fall into several categories, as outlined below.

Trade Missions

Export Promotion Service Category What is this Service? What does it Involve? Federal and State Service Offerings in this Category (there are differences in what is available in each region, particularly from state trade offices) Sources of Further Information
Organizing Trade Missions Organized delegation of companies traveling to a specific country (or countries) to pursue export opportunities

Services may involve:

  • Matchmaking with potential distributor, rep, agent, reseller partners in country
  • Country briefings or market overviews
  • Counseling with Commercial Specialists (US Commercial Service) or consultants in foreign offices established by state trade agencies or organizations
  • Networking opportunities and site visits
  • U.S. Commercial Service (USCS) / International Trade Administration offers trade missions
  • 95% of SIDO members surveyed (state trade offices or organizations) offer trade missions[i]
  • USDA Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) funded trade groups (such as Food Export, SUSTA and WUSATA) organize trade missions for agricultural, food and beverage products
  • While the agenda is different for each mission, the services provided generally conform to the description in the left column

[i] This data point and all references on this page to SIDO state members are from the 2017 SIDO Survey Results.


Export Promotion Service Category What is this Service? What does it Involve? Federal and State Service Offerings in this Category (there are differences in what is available in each region, particularly from state trade offices) Sources of Further Information
Providing Support for Tradeshow Delegations
  • Support to companies (sometimes in a group) traveling to a specific industry tradeshow
  • Services may involve:
    • Matchmaking with potential distributor, rep, agent, reseller partners in country
    • Shared or low-cost booth space
    • Country briefings or market overviews
    • Counseling with Commercial Specialists (US Commercial Service) or consultants in foreign offices established by state trade agencies or organizations
    • Logistical support in preparing for show
    • Grant funding to offset the expenses of participating in the show (also discussed under grants)
  • USCS / International Trade Administration offers support at some tradeshows, although the level and type of support differ depending on the specific show. Generally the shows where the greatest level of support is available are those which are “officially supported” US DOC shows that are part of their Trade Event Partnership Program (TEPP) and Trade Fair Certification (TFC) programs.
  • 90% of SIDO members surveyed offer tradeshow support / delegations. Many state trade offices/organizations organize delegations for tradeshows, and many provide grant funding (or STEP funds administered by the state) to offset the costs for companies to participate in tradeshows
  • USDA Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) funded trade groups (such as Food Export, SUSTA and WUSATA) organize trade show groups for agricultural, food and beverage products
  • Information on shows that are part of the Department of Commerce programs described at left (TEPP and TFC). For information on the support available at these shows, contact your local US Commercial Service office, the US Commercial Service project officer listed on the website above, or the industry team members that can be found on the industry pages.
  • Shows supported by state trade offices or organizations can be found on the website of the state trade office or organization, or  identified by speaking with a trade specialist from that office.
  • USDA FAS funded groups: Food Export, SUSTA, WUSATA, and other USDA FAS market development partners

Finding and evaluating distributor/rep/agent partners

Export Promotion Service Category What is this Service? What does it Involve? Federal and State Service Offerings in this Category (there are differences in what is available in each region, particularly from state trade offices) Sources of Further Information
Finding & Evaluating Distributor, Rep, Agent Partners; Market Entry Strategy Development
  • Identifying potential distributor, rep, agent or reseller partners
  • Conducting background checks or due diligence on these partners
  • Providing guidance on best way to enter a foreign market (i.e. which channels).
  • US Commercial Service offerings:
    • Gold Key Service (arrangement of in-person meetings with pre-qualified potential partners)
    • International Partner Search (development of a list of potential partners)
    • International Company Profile (background check and report on a potential partner company)
  • State offerings will differ by state:
    • 83% of SIDO members surveyed offer market entry strategy
    • 63% of SIDO members surveyed offer agent & distributor searches
    • 51% of SIDO members surveyed offer foreign company background checks
  • Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) funded trade groups (such as Food Export and WUSATA) offer distributor/rep searches for agricultural, food and beverage products (e.g. Food Export’s “Rep Finder” service)

Inbound buying missions / reverse trade missions

Export Promotion Service Category What is this Service? What does it Involve? Federal and State Service Offerings in this Category (there are differences in what is available in each region, particularly from state trade offices) Sources of Further Information
Organizing Inbound Buying Missions / Reverse Trade Missions
  • Hosting delegations of foreign buyers coming to the US speak with potential suppliers, understand products and technologies available, participate in site visits.
  • U.S. Trade and Development Agency Reverse Trade Missions
  • 63% of SIDO members surveyed offer or host inbound buying missions
  • USDA Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) funded trade groups (such as Food Export, SUSTA and WUSATA) offer in-bound buyer missions for agricultural, food and beverage products

Promotional or marketing support

Export Promotion Service Category What is this Service? What does it Involve? Federal and State Service Offerings in this Category (there are differences in what is available in each region, particularly from state trade offices) Sources of Further Information
Providing Promotional or Marketing Support
  • Promotional events or activities organized in foreign markets for US exporters
  • US Commercial Service offerings:
    • Single Company Promotion – organized promotional event for US exporters in foreign markets, such as a technical seminar, press conference, product launch, luncheon, dinner, or reception, with targeted direct mail or e-mail campaigns.
    • Advertise in FUSE, the featured directory of U.S. products on U.S. Commercial Service websites worldwide
  • States with foreign offices or reps may be able to offer similar promotional support
  • USDA Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) funded trade groups (such as Food Export, SUSTA and WUSATA) offer trade leads programs for agricultural, food and beverage products

Market research

Export Promotion Service Category What is this Service? What does it Involve? Federal and State Service Offerings in this Category (there are differences in what is available in each region, particularly from state trade offices) Sources of Further Information
Conducting Market Research
  • This can range from “off the shelf” reports on specific countries and sectors, to customized market intelligence or feedback from federal and state organizations – particularly from their foreign offices or overseas consultants
  • ITA/US Commercial Service foreign offices / posts:
    • Initial Market Check – an initial assessment of the market potential of a product or service in a targeted market, based on discussions with up to five industry participants
    • Customized Market Research – more in- depth work to answer questions about an overseas market, including market trends and size, distribution and promotion practices, market entry requirements, regulations, product standards and registration, key competitors and potential agents, distributors, or strategic partners
    • US Commercial Service Country Commercial Guides,
    • ITA Top Markets Reports
    • industry pages
  • DOC / MBDA Business Centers offer market research and identification
  • 76% of SIDO members surveyed offer market research
  • The USDA Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) and the regional trade groups they fund (such as Food Export, SUSTA and WUSATA) offer market research services and off the shelf reports for agricultural, food and beverage products

Export counseling and referrals to other organizations and experts

Export Promotion Service Category What is this Service? What does it Involve? Federal and State Service Offerings in this Category (there are differences in what is available in each region, particularly from state trade offices) Sources of Further Information
Counseling Entrepreneurs and Firms on the Export Process and Making Referrals to Other Organizations
  • Guidance on pursuing export growth, assistance in navigating the export sales process, and referrals to other organizations and resources
  • USCS / U.S. Export Assistance Center Trade Specialists and Foreign Post Commercial Specialists
  • SBDCS / SBDC International Trade Centers
  • District Export Council Mentoring Programs
  • 90% of SIDO members surveyed offer export counseling
  • DOC / MBDA Business Centers offer consulting and referrals
  • USDA Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) funded trade groups (such as Food Export and WUSATA) offer client counseling and advisory services for agricultural, food and beverage products (e.g. Food Export Helpline and Export Advisor Program)

Training, education and events

Export Promotion Service Category What is this Service? What does it Involve? Federal and State Service Offerings in this Category (there are differences in what is available in each region, particularly from state trade offices) Sources of Further Information
Supporting Training, Education and Events





  • Training, education, workshops, or awareness events
  • US Commercial Service offers or partners on a wide range of programs and events (e.g., Basics of Exporting, Discover Global Markets, Export University, ExporTech, World Trade Week events)
  • SBDCs / SBDC International Trade Centers
  • 88% of SIDO members surveyed offer training and education
  • 73% of SIDO members surveyed offer export readiness training
  • USDA Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) funded trade groups (such as Food Export, SUSTA and WUSATA) offer seminars and webinars for agricultural, food and beverage products

Export planning and strategy, and structured export acceleration programs

Export Promotion Service Category What is this Service? What does it Involve? Federal and State Service Offerings in this Category (there are differences in what is available in each region, particularly from state trade offices) Sources of Further Information
Offering Help with Planning and Strategy or Structured Export Acceleration Programs
  • This category includes more intensive programs that:
    • Assist exporters to develop export strategies and plans, or
    • Accelerate export growth through a structured combination of support services (such as planning, coaching/counseling, education and connection or referral to organizations with trade expertise)
  • ExporTech – MEP National Network and USCS (in collaboration with numerous state trade organizations and other partners)
  • GlobalTarget Program – Cleveland State University, USCS, Ohio SBDCs, and SBA
  • Florida SBDC Export Marketing Plan Service
  • Selected state programs, e.g., Virginia’s VALET program



Below are additional sources on federal and state export promotion services, extracted from the links above: