This section provides a brief profile of M&A FDI transactions:
Small transactions
“The cross-border M&A market is made up of many small transactions: While the dollar values involved in cross-border M&A are quite large in aggregate terms, the typical transaction is relatively small. Fifty percent of the number of all transactions from 2004 through 2016 were $23 million or less and had a total value of $190 billion, and 25% of transactions were $5 million or less, valued at $24 billion.” (p.5)
“From 2004 through 2016, of the U.S. targets sold to non-US acquirers, 71% were independent companies and 29% were subsidiaries of larger companies.” (p.6)
Across all major sectors
“During the same period, every major U.S. sector participated in cross-border business M&A as both an acquirer and target.”(p.6)
“Technology-intensive sectors account for a significant fraction of transaction value but less technology-oriented sectors like consumer staples and real estate are also well represented.” (p.5)
source: Business Roundtable “Buying and selling, Cross-border MA report 2017-0907”