For More Information

Here are a few more general tools, publications, and other resources that might answer more in-depth questions or offer additional insights.

Checklists and Data Sources

SelectUSA Federal Programs and Incentives 

This site provides information on Federal programs and incentives available to support international engagement. It is searchable by category, agency and bureau, and industry.

C2ER State Business Incentives Database

This database gives economic developers, business development finance professionals, and economic researchers a one-stop resource for searching and comparing state incentive programs.

OECD, Checklist for Foreign Direct Investment Incentive Policies (2003)

This resource provides policymakers with a checklist against which to assess the usefulness and relevance of FDI incentive policies.


Ana Teresa-Tavares-Lenhann, Rethinking Investment Incentives: Trends and Policy (2016)

Area Development, Financial Incentives for Foreign Businesses (2010)

Brookings Global City Initiative & JP Morgan and Chase, FDI in U.S. Metro Areas: The Geography of Jobs in Foreign-Owned Establishments (2014)

Brookings, FDI Planning Guide A: Blueprint for Metro Area Pursuing Global Economic Engagement (2016)

Brookings Institute, Examining the Local Value of Economic Development Incentives: Evidence from four U.S. Cities (2018)

Center for Regional Economic Competitiveness, State Economic Development Performance Indicators White Paper: Guide to Selecting Indicators (2016)

Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, Examination of Local Economic Development Incentives in Northeastern Illinois (2013)

Ernst & Young, Tax Credit and Incentives: Key trends and leading practices from Ernst & Young LLP’s 2011 Survey (2012)

Hyunsang Ha, Business Incentive Controls and Political Bargaining Performance Agreements and Clawback Clauses in American Cities (2013)

International Economic Development Council, Economic Development Journal, Preparing for Transparency as the New Norm (2016)

OECD, Incentives for Attracting Foreign Direct Investment : An Overview of OECD Work (2002)

OECD Policy Framework for Investment (2015)

George H. Petty, Transnational Overview of Foreign Direct Investment into the United States (2017)

Pew Charitable Trusts, Reducing Budget Risk (2015)

Smart Incentives, Economic Development Incentives (2018)

Dean J. Uminiski, How to Play the Incentives Game (2018)

Upjohn Institute, Improving Economic Development Incentives (2018)

Upjohn Institute, Tim Bartik, What Works in the State Economic Development Policies (2011)

Vale Columbia Center on Sustainable International Investment: Investment Incentives: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly (2013)