Regional economic development organizations should use these questions as an informal self-assessment in considering how to approach developing and executing an outreach and marketing strategy to attract FDI.
- How formal or informal should we be in developing a strategy for outreach and marketing?
- Do we know enough about our specific regional strengths and weaknesses to tailor an outreach and marketing plan accordingly?
- What do we know already about existing relationships that our region has with individuals, companies, and countries that can accelerate our outreach and marketing efforts?
- Does our thinking about the outreach and marketing strategy and activities reflect economic and political realities such as support from elected officials, available budget, and related issues?
- What governmental and non-governmental organizations in our region are potential collaborators for developing and executing an outreach and marketing strategy?
- How can we leverage the work being done by neighboring regions and state trade officials to attract FDI?
- Does it make sense for us to target outreach to specific industries that are a good fit for our region? or to specific geographic regions abroad? or both?