
International Engagement is a critical component of the United States economy and can help drive success in your region:


  • 12% of GDP comes from exports
  • 95% of global purchasing power is outside the U.S.
  • $4.6 trillion of Foreign Direct Investment flows to the U.S. each year
  • Salaries are 18-20% higher at exporting companies
  • 8 million U.S. jobs rely on Foreign Direct Investment


We do this by providing a toolkit to help economic developers:

  • Design strategies to help your community compete for international business
  • Adapt effective practices for use in your region
  • Find tips, checklists, examples, working papers, and other resources
  • Monitor and measure your success


USA Competes provides economic developers with the resources to develop an international engagement strategy for your region and to be ready to compete in the global economy.